Commander’s CV

Major General Evangelos Tourvalis

Commandant of the Supreme Joint War College

Major General Evangelos Tourvalis is the Commandant of the Supreme Joint War College (SJWC).

He was born in Mytilene.


He joined the Hellenic Air Force Academy in 1985 and he graduated in 1989 as 2nd Lieutenant.

He graduated from:

  • National Defense College
  • Supreme Joint War College
  • Squadron Officers School of USAF Air University (USA)
  • Instructors School
  • Water Survival School

He holds a Master’s Degree (MsC):

  • Operations Research from the Naval Postgraduate School (USA).
  • In Information Systems from the Hellenic Open University (PATRAS).

He speaks English.


  • March 2024: Commandant of SJWC
  • March 2023 – March 2024: Director of the Operations Branch (A) of the Hellenic Air Force Support Command (HAFSC)
  • March 2022 – March 2023: Director of the Hellenic Air Force and Ground Safety Centre
  • August 2020 – March 2022: Hellenic Tactical Air Force (HTAF) Training Director (B2)
  • August 2018 – August 2020: Commander of 130 Combat Group
  • September 2015 – August 2018: Defense Attaché at the Embassy of Greece in New Delhi (India)
  • July 2013 – September 2015: Section Head of the Operational Planning – Targeting Division of HTAF (A1/1)
  • July 2008 – July 2013: Staff Officer at the HTAF Operations and Planning Directorate (A1/3)
  • September 2007 – July 2008: Trainee at SJWC
  • January 2007 – September 2007: Staff Officer at the HTAF Operations and Planning Directorate (A1/3)
  • December 2004 – January 2007: Student of the Department of Operational Research of the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL (MSc)
  • September 2003 – December 2004: Section Head of the Education Department of 111 Combat Wing
  • September 2002 – September 2003: Squadron’s Flight Commander 111CW/330 Squadron
  • October 1992 – September 2002: Pilot at 111CW/330 Sqn
  • January 1992 – October 1992: Trainee at 111CW/Operational Conversion
  • August 1991 – January 1992: Pilot at 113CW/343 Sqn
  • November 1990 – August 1991: Trainee at 111CW/Operational Conversion
  • November 1989 – November 1990: Trainee at 120 Air Training Wing

Flight experience

He has more than 3500 flight hours.
He has flown with T-41D, T-37B/C, T-2E, F-5A/B, F-16 Block 30 and C-130.


  • 2nd Lieutenant: 05/06/1989
  • 1st Lieutenant: 30/06/1992
  • Captain: 30/06/1996
  • Major: 08/06/2001
  • Lt Colonel: 08/05/2008
  • Colonel: 28/03/2014
  • Brigadier General: 10/03/2022
  • Major General: 02/03/2024

Medals – Decorations

  • Commander of the Order of Honor
  • Commander of the Order of the Phoenix
  • Medal of Military Merit 1st Class
  • Air Force Meritorious Command Medal 1st Class
  • Air Force Meritorious Command Medal 2nd Class
  • Staff Officer Service Commendation medal 1st Class